
Simple table styling with some Sass.

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Basic tables

For simple table styling, use the .table class.

First Name Last Name Super Hero
Peter Parker Spiderman
Bruce Wayne Batman
Clark Kent Superman

here is the same with @extend


Condensed Table

Reduce cell padding by adding the .table-condensed class.

You still need to include the .table class.

First Name Last Name Super Hero
Peter Parker Spiderman
Bruce Wayne Batman
Clark Kent Superman

here is the same with @extend


Bordered Table

Add borders and rounded corners by adding the .table-bordered class.

You still need to include the .table class.

First Name Last Name Super Hero
Peter Parker Spiderman
Bruce Wayne Batman
Clark Kent Superman

here is the same with @extend


Using @extends with Scss

You can combine the .table-condensed and .table-bordered classes for additional styling using @extends like the following.


Browser Support

Tables works in all modern browsers, and IE 6 and above.

Because IE8 and lower lack border-radius support, rounded corners on bordered tables only work on IE9 and higher.