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Get Involved

Kraken is made better by a wonderful community of people. There are a few ways you can get involved:

  1. Identify and report bugs.
  2. Create add-ons.
  3. Create framework-specific forks.

If you have any questions or want to get added to the official list of community projects, email me at

Basic Guidelines

Before you start creating an add-on or framework-specific fork, please make sure you've read the Kraken Way. In order to be considered for inclusion on the official Kraken website, add-ons must:

Forks intentionally differ from the original code, so they have a bit more flexibility around these guidelines.


Kraken uses a basic [major].[minor] version numbering system.

Major updates break backwards compatability. Minor updates introduce new features and bug fixes.

It's suggested that framework-specific forks align with the Kraken base-code version number rather than follow their own.

Demos & Documentation

When applicable, add-ons and forks should include a well-documented demo page as well as a functioning index.html template in the download file.

You can download optional Starter Kits for both new repositories and demo pages here: