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Alignment, Spacing & Visibility

You can adjust text alignment and spacing using a few simple CSS classes.

Text Alignment

Alignment Class Scss @extend
Left .text-left @extend %text-left;
Centered .text-center @extend %text-center;
Right .text-right @extend %text-right;


Float Class Scss @extend
Left .float-left @extend %float-left;
Centered .float-center @extend %float-center;
Right .float-right @extend %float-right;

Note: Clear floats by wrapping floated content in a <div> with the .group class.



Top Bottom Class Scss @extend
0 0 .no-space @extend %no-space;
Default 0 .no-space-bottom @extend %no-space-bottom;
0 Default .no-space-top @extend %no-space-top;
Default 2em .space-bottom @extend %space-bottom;
Default ~.471em .space-bottom-small @extend %space-bottom-small;
~.824em Default .space-top @extend %space-top;

Screen Readers

If you have text that you don't want displayed on screen, but that should still be in the HTML for screen readers (for example, a search form label), simply apply the .screen-reader class. This will shift content off-screen, but screen readers can still read it.


Getting Started
